156: Being Brave in A Tank Top with Shari Brasel [“I Did It” Series]
I’d like to introduce you to Shari Brasel for this week’s Friday bonus episode! We talk about bravery and how Shari has stepped into this brave version of herself, and the difference MACROS 101 has made in her life. I’m really excited about this one because I know that there will be women who resonate with Shari’s story, and hopefully, you can see yourself overcoming big things as well. Now, let’s jump in!
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Show Notes
I’d like to introduce you to Shari Brasel for this week’s Friday bonus episode! We talk about bravery and how Shari has stepped into this brave version of herself, and the difference MACROS 101 has made in her life. I’m really excited about this one because I know that there will be women who resonate with Shari’s story, and hopefully, you can see yourself overcoming big things as well. Now, let’s jump in!
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- Brave version of oneself (1:48, 16:59,26:08, 28:16)
- Affirmation (2:37)
- What you are looking for might not be what you actually needed (15:28)
- Addressing your deservingness of happiness (16:59)
- Thoughts that were planted inside, we're never ours to keep (20:45, 22:45)
- Miracle scale (7:16, 11:10)
- Go all in and make it happen (29:10)
- How Macros 101 helped Shari change her story (31:41, 34:48)
You're listening to Biceps after Babies radio episode number 156.
Hello and welcome to Biceps after Babies radio. A podcast for ladies who know that fitness is about so much more than pounds lost or PRs. It's about feeling confident in your skin and empowered in your life. I'm your host, Amber Brueseke, a registered nurse, personal trainer, wife, and mom of four. Each week, my guests and I will excite and motivate you to take action in your own personal fitness as we talk about nutrition, exercise mindset, personal development, and executing life with conscious intention. If your goal is to look, feel, and be strong and experience transformation from the inside out, you, my friend are in the right place. Thank you for tuning in, now let’s jump into today’s episode.
Amber B 0:49
Hey, Hey, Hey, welcome back to another episode of biceps after babies radio, I'm your host, Amber Brueseke. And it's Friday, which means I have another amazing story of a woman who has been able to go through her own transformation and what that looks like. And we have shared on the podcast today and I'm just so excited for you to hear Shari's story, one because she's such an eloquent speaker. And two, because her story, I know, is very similar to some of you listening. Shari goes way back, when she starts talking about our story and some things that happened to her when she was 10 years old, nine and 10 years old, and things that she's held on to for a very, very, very long time. But she's only recently kind of released and let go. And by doing that has been able to just explode with what's been possible for her.
Amber B 1:48
We talk in this episode about bravery, and specifically how Shari has been able to step into this brave version of herself. One of the stories that she tells, and I won't share the whole story because I want you to hear it from Shari. But she shares that for years and years and years, she has never worn anything other than long sleeves and pants everywhere. And that was an insecurity with her arms and insecurity through legs and with her body. And I think you hear her tell the story of how she was able to break out of that and what that experience was like for her and what happened on the other side of that experience. Like it just gives me tingles to think about her sharing this part of her story.
Amber B 2:37
So I want you to listen as you're listening to Shari's story because there is an affirmation that she shares that I think some of you are going to want to include in your affirmations. If you don't know what an affirmation is, it's kind of like a mantra that you repeat to yourself. It's something that you are affirming and it's a way to rewrite your subconscious. So much of our daily life is processed and activated by the subconscious. And yet, a lot of times, we don't even pay attention to what's happening in the subconscious. And so affirmations are a way to reprogram the subconscious to put things into the subconscious that are going to benefit us in reaching our goals. And so, one of the affirmations that Shari shares, that is such a great affirmation, if you have struggled with things that people have said to you, especially if this has been in the past, if it's in your childhood, your parents told you something or a teacher told you something, or in Shari's case, a nurse, that school nurse told her something that's been impacting you for years. I think the affirmation that Shari shares is going to be one that you're going to want to grab on to and use in your life too, because it's incredibly powerful.
Amber B 3:53
And then the last thing I want to mention about Shari's story for those of you who are trying to sit here with deciding whether or not you're gonna listen to the story is that Shari is a classic yo yo dieter, and she talks about her experience of losing and regaining 80 pounds four times. And realizing that if that's you, and you've been somebody who's gone through that yo yo diet where you're like, I can lose the weight, but then it's I can't keep it off. And I regained the weight and you've gone through that cycle multiple times. That's really common. Unfortunately, it's really common. And you can hear Shari who's on the other side of that where she's gotten to a place where this is the last time and she tells a really great story about how she knows that it's the last time.
Amber B 4:34
Now if you are listening to this in real time, that means you're listening to it on Friday at the very end of my free five day challenge. If you have not gotten registered yet it is not too late my friend, there is still time to come and join us. Go to bicepsafterbabies.com/challenge. You can get registered. All of the videos are up on our page to be able to watch. You do need to get registered first, but then you can binge watch all five of the days of the five day challenge. So if you haven't been following along and you're like, Oh crap, I'm late, you're not late, you are right on time. And all of the content now is up for you to binge listen over the weekend. And that's really important, because on Monday, we will be opening up doors to Macros 101. So you'll hear Shari talk about Macros 101 and what a difference that has made in her life. And we only open doors a couple times to the program every year. And we do that because it allows us to serve our clients on a higher level, instead of just running program after program after program after program. We only run a couple a year. And that allows us to really go deep with those women who come and join Macros 101. So if that's something that you're interested in, you want to get coached through your fitness journey, you want to be able to have breakthrough experiences like Shari has been able to have, you want to be able to have that coaching that goes deeper than just telling you what to do, then Macros 101 is for you. Get on the waitlist bicepsafterbabies.com/waitlist, we opened doors on Monday, it will only be open for four days. And if so you're wanting to join, be ready. Because inevitably, I always get people who email me the day after we close the doors and are regretting not joining. So don't be that person. Get on the waitlist, get ready. We are opening doors for the very last time in 2021 on Monday, August 30. And I can't wait to be able to dive in and coach those women who are going to be joining us and you can be like Shari, and have a transformative experience inside of Macros 101. So let's jump into that interview with Shari.
Amber B 6:56
I am so excited to have Shari here on the podcast with us. Shari, thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited for you to be able to share your story.
Shari 7:06
It's such an honor, thanks for letting me take the opportunity to dive in.
Amber B 7:12
Yeah, we're gonna have such a good conversation. And I know that there are going to be women who are listening to this that are just going to resonate so much with your story because you've overcome some really big things. And I hope that you realize that, you know, I want to take the opportunity to say like you've done big things. And it's important to pat ourselves on the back when we've made some really big strides. And it's just been an honor to be able to watch you go through this transformation process. So before we dive into that, before we dive into like today, and where you're at today and some of the things you've accomplished. Let's go back to before you joined Macros 101, maybe back in your history, and just tell us a little bit about your struggles, like where were you at headspace physically? What was feeling really hard before you came and joined us in Macros 101?
Shari 7:57
Well, if we're going to go backwards, we have to go back 39 years really way back. So right now I'm 48 years old. So 39 years ago, I was a good old nine year old, and I was an overweight nine year old. And I have such vivid memories of being a big kid. And if you think about it now, it's so common to see a kid struggle with their weight. But 39 years ago, I was the minority. And I absolutely didn't think anything different of being an overweight kid. Other than that, I dealt with a lot of reactions and words that people said to me. So of course I went through my life when you know, through college, getting overweight, getting married overweight, and found myself somewhere in the 26 year old range about ready to deliver my only child and I weighed around 280 pounds. So I can tell you, I've done so many stupid diets, so many things that I thought was going to give me what I was looking for. And you know, within the first five years of my daughter being born, I had lost around 50 pounds. And thought of course I had found all the secrets. But goodness knows those secrets definitely slip really quickly through your fingers when you're never taught what to do next. So that takes me to about 16 years ago.
Shari 9:39
I was around my early 30s and I decided to join Weight Watchers. And that's when my pendulum started swinging huge from one direction to the other. So in that 16 years I was a lifetime Weight Watchers member. I lost 80 pounds and gained back 80 pounds and I lost 80 pounds four times, which means that I gained 80 pounds three times. I really put my body, my mind, my physical self through, excuse my language health. The Fall of 2020 I was starting to really worry about myself. And I was really worried I was having a midlife crisis. And I don't know about you, I don't really know what a midlife crisis was but I thought I was having one. I felt numb. I felt like I was completely not the person that I ever thought I was. And I was binge eating on a daily basis. Every Monday, I said, I'm going to start again, I'm going to start again. And I was never able to make it past Monday afternoon before I was hating my life. And I just had no identity. And then, you know, obviously, you start thinking about, jeez, the last 40 years of my life, what have I done? Where have I been? And I started really focusing on the fact that I really felt like I've never been happy. So again, what kind of identity that I have when all I was ever searching for was happiness. So at that point, I've gained back about 16 pounds, and I started doing what I call chasing the rainbow. And because you know, at the end of the rainbow is this big pot of gold. And so I just kept thinking, I am going to find my rainbow. And so I tried again yet every other diet under the sun, all while still doing Weight Watchers my deal.
Amber B 11:52
Because if you stack diets, they work better.
Shari 11:54
Well, of course. And then I thought, what the heck, I'm going to take a peek around and see what I can find. And I happened to run across a lady who was a weight watchers member that was doing a reverse diet. And I started thinking I don't know what this is, but I think I want to do it. So that led me to join Instagram and from Instagram I found she kind of led me to Katie Crokus. And Katie had some posting on some binges that she had had, and just through some various comments and interactions with her. I really feel like she was at this pivotal moment in my life. She was believing in me before I believed in myself and she's what led me to you and to Macros 101.
Amber B 12:45
That was so powerful and I love that I am going to have Katie listen to this because I think it's so as a coach, there's nothing we want more than to change somebody's life. And you know, whether that's us coaching or referring you to somebody else or being that vehicle like that's all that's what we want. That's why she's here. That's why I'm here and I love that, you know, you're able to come full circle and kind of come into Macros 101. So when you joined, did you start in a reverse?
Shari 13:14
I did. So yeah, actually, the very first week, I was gonna do a cut. I'm like,
Amber B 13:23
If everybody comes in, everyone comes in, I'm gonna do a cut.
Shari 13:26
But let me tell you, I'm listening to the very first module. And I cannot count the number of times you said fitness journey. But I was yelling at my laptop saying, This is not a fitness journey. But I am here to lose weight. Why do you talk about this journey?
Amber B 13:43
I love it.
Shari 13:44
And so that I was like, Okay, well, I don't know what she's talking about fitness journey. But as I started thinking about this cutting, and I kept going back to the whole, if I cut for like six weeks, eight weeks, I'm gonna lose a little bit of weight. And then I'll think about the reverse diet. And on the very first day, after the prep week on that very first day after I woke up, I had my macros all figured out. And I like not to work and go, I'm going to reverse. I'm going to change. I'm going to reverse today. And so I did. And
Amber B 14:19
I have to lock people into reversing and really convince them. How did you just decide I'm going to do a reverse?
Shari 14:25
Because I knew it was what I needed. 16 years ago of putting non stop like I cut for 16 years. And I've been successful. I've lost weight. I think I've lost weight. But I've been successful. So it wasn't the fact that I said Oh, I can't lose weight or Oh, the scale is horrible. That wasn't it. The reason I was looking for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is because I read about a woman doing Weight Watchers and a reverse diet. So that obviously was the universe telling me something. And so that's where I did. And well, I tell you what, number one I've never ever been in maintenance in my entire life. I've never been taught maintenance. I don't even know what that is. But this reverse diet, yes, I'll take that every day of my life for the rest of my life, every day. And if I fast forward really quickly, I am 1010 calories up from where I started.
Amber B 15:28
Amazing. That's so huge. I mean, like, standing ovations, all the praise hands, like everything. And I think this is such a good point to point out that like earlier, you said, you know, you're looking for something. And I think it's such a good opportunity to point out that, like, what you were looking for, was actually different than what you needed. And I think you've been open to that, like, because I think a lot of times people are like, No, I'm looking for this. And that's kind of like you start yelling at me, like, No, I don't want to finish any, like, I want to lose weight, like, this is what I want, this is what I need. And I think this speaks to you to being open to that, what I gave you was different and it looked different. It was wrapped differently, it had a different name than what you thought it was that you needed. But you went with it, and you trusted it. And it ended up being the actual pot at the end of the you know, it was it instead of a pot of gold. It was like a brick of gold. And it looked a little different but it was like so gold and you may not have recognized that otherwise, had you not been willing to trust that there was something at the end of that rainbow that you're gonna get to.
Amber B 16:35
So good. Will you share, I know we already talked a little bit about your past. I've had the privilege of being able to watch Shari, as she's grown and had these like big aha pivotal moments that have really kind of shifted the trajectory of her life. Are you willing to share what some of those pivotal moments were and why that made such a difference for you moving forward?
Shari 16:59
Yeah, absolutely. So the first pivotal moment I had during Macros 101 was throwing my name out for a hot seat on the second coaching call. I threw it out there, but honestly, I swear, I did not think I was gonna get picked. And when Cassie sent me a little message and said, you're next. I'm like, my heart was beating out of my chest. And so when I got on that hot seat call with you, the question that I was going to ask you was not the question I ended up asking you. It just came out of my mouth was, I don't know again, universe driven. Because I asked you about how to drop the banana. Now, I had not ever heard about the banana before I joined Macros 101. But once I heard about it, I knew what my banana was. And it ended up coming out to you that I have never felt happy in my life. And negativity was really bringing and dragging me down. So through these questions, you really helped uncover and turn the lights on these cockroaches, things that I have ignored for years, that were really holding me down. So during that call at the end of it, when I hung up with you, I could not stop thinking about this line that you said to me, and I will never forget it. You said if I don't address my deservingness of happiness, I'm never going to break out of this cycle. And that stuck with me for days. And as I started thinking about it, I knew I had completely had this choice, I could either shut the light back off, and just ignore it. And live in my own little pity party of my glass being completely empty or I could get brave. And honestly at that moment, I decided I was going to be brave. And you said this on the Facebook group to me is that bravery can shift everything and you are not kidding. Like that is when I started running and running and honestly running like I don't know that you understand that's where things just started falling for me into placed pieces that reminded me that I have a lot that I've stuffed over the years. And that it's time for those things to be dealt with and left behind so I can open up and let good things. So then like all of a sudden I see my miracle day for the first time. And from after seeing that miracle day. I was able to write my big why which is to have a better relationship with myself. Because it's time for me to start talking to myself like I deserve. And from there then I started affirmations obviously one of them I am brave. That's one of my mantras like, I can wear that on my chest now. And the other one was given to me in the group and it says, thoughts that were planted inside of me were never mine to keep. And then saying those and believing those and saying those and believing those, I get in my car every morning. And those are the things I say to myself as I'm driving.
Amber B 20:26
That second one, because that second one, I love to say it again. But thoughts that other people placed in my head are not my to keep. Is that what it was?
Shari 20:37
Thoughts that were planted inside of me, we're never mine to keep.
Amber B 20:41
There we go. Tell us why that one is so important to you.
Shari 20:45
So that one is so important to me. Because if we go back again, in my story to the years of my childhood, being overweight, I was at the mercy of adults or other children, for the things that they would say to me, because I was overweight, like, perfect example. My school nurse on my 10th birthday calls me down to the office. And I'm wearing, if you could picture it a beautiful teal sweat suit, because you know, terry cloth, sweat suits for all the things back in the 80s. And she has me step on the scale, and then proceeds to announce my weight in front of all the other kids that are sitting in her office. And then she says to me, who picked out your outfit? Well, I come from a family that didn't have a lot. And that was my birthday gift that my mom gave me. She allowed me to pick out one outfit, and I always wore hand-me downs. So that outfit was like my pride and joy. And I told her why I picked it up for my birthday. And she said you could wear prettier clothes if you lost weight. And that those words have stuck with me all of these years. And it's why I dress in clothing that's not flattering, I wear things that are way too big. I wear lots of black and white because I feel like I need to blend in. And it wasn't but on my 48th birthday in the macros group that I decided it was time to let that go. That she no longer chooses to have the power over me that I choose the words that get to have power over me. And that's really why those affirmations that that one in particular, like they were not planted in me for me to live, that I get to make those choices that I get to choose to rip those roots out, replant and start to water and watch those thrive.
Amber B 22:45
Oh, good. So good. And I mean, first of all, it breaks my heart like it breaks my heart. And Shari and I were talking before we hit record, like should we change that for the future? Absolutely. Like, can we please stop any other child from having that experience? Absolutely. And yet at the same time it happened and we can't go into the past and we can't change it. But what Shari's been able to do is be able to maintain control over it and separate right, that was what she said and that was her thoughts and that was her beliefs and that doesn't have anything to do with you. And, you know, you talked about the banana which we it's a analogy that we use inside of Macros 101. And you dropped the banana, were you deciding that what other people had told you for your life wasn't actually true, right? It wasn't actually true for you. What they were thinking is that's their stuff, that doesn't actually have to be true for you. And as you drop that banana, as you release that other things start to change in your life. And I'm thinking specifically of one really brave event that you shared with us. Are you willing to share that on the podcast?
Shari 23:45
Yes, absolutely. So for all the years that I've used my body, I have a lot of stretch marks. I have a lot of saggy, loose skin. And I have hidden that skin because I feel like people are gonna judge that. People are going to look at me, they're gonna wonder why I'm wearing short sleeves, why is she wearing shorts? Why does she look like that? And so for me, the obvious answer is just to cover it up. Nobody's going to see it. So gosh, I can't even tell you how many softball games I sat at in 100 degree weather wearing long sleeves and wearing pants or never ever putting on a skirt, anything like that just suffering in my own skin. And it had been well over 20 years since I put a tank top on. And I decided I was going to write a miracle scale. Which I ‘ll tell you what Amber, a miracle scale, has been one of the most empowering tools that I've ever used in my entire life. Because what it does is it takes me from zero, which is never putting that tank top on to a ten, which means I put that tank top on. I'm wearing that tank top and I'm feeling good about it and not worried about anything that anybody else thinks or what I hear in my head. Yeah. And so, upon discussion, I have made spectacular gains in the gym, I have these biceps that I am so proud of. And all I could focus on, as I would do a little flex was go look at that. Look at all that skin. Look at that flab. Look at those stretch marks, look at how everything just pulls at the bottom near my elbow. And so I posted that in the group, I said, You know, I want to be able to wear this tank top. And the process I had in my mind was this Sulu little process, I was gonna go step by step, I was gonna wear a tank top on the house five times, I was gonna wear tank top up out of the house in my backyard five times, I had this process that was going to last for the next 20 years.
Shari 26:08
And so I posted in the group, and man, these women in this group are the most amazing women that I've ever encountered in my life. The support the comments, the, hey, I've been there, the you can do it to the sharing of pictures that other women showed up. And this is what my arms look like. If you want to do this, you can do this. And that led to an interaction with Amber. So during this interaction, I'm like, No, I can't do this. Because what's going to happen when I walk out the door today is that every thought in my mind is going to be. You look awful, you look horrible. It's going to bring up all these awful memories. It's going to spur this, I don't know how I'm going to get out of my head the moment I do it, and you were like, Look, you're either going to do it or you're not going to do it. What do you want? What do you want to do? And you set it in a very nice way. But it was very fun. Like, it was like, you want to think that that's on you. You can think that but you have an option. Do you want to stay living the way that you were living? Or do you want to just try? And you said, Can you take a drive in your car to look at your mailbox? And I'm like, okay, hey, look, I can commit to that this weekend. So I thought about it all weekend long. And I had actually gone three hours to the south of me and my, my ride home, I did this. Well, there ain't no time but the present. Amber said, so I'm gonna do it. And I take off my shirt that I add on and I have a tank top on and I drive up the interstate 90 miles all by myself with my tunes cranked and my arm sitting on the edge of the car door with my tank top on. And you know what happened? Apps a frickin lewdly nothing.
Amber B 28:15
Nothing happened.
Shari 28:16
Nothing happened in my head. Never did I go that car driving by is like looking at my arm here. And that spurred this incredible week of wearing short sleeve shirts to work. My co-workers I've been there for two and a half years have never seen the light of my arms. They've seen my wrist, that's about it. But that spurred like this incredible week of me going bare. Can I wear a short sleeve shirt to where I can put a tank top on? And just Saturday, I really truly believe I hit the 10 on my miracle scale. Because I went to a graduation party with a tank top on. And I sat amongst people I did not know. And I sat amongst people I have known forever. And that one thought ever crossed my mind about you having no business to be wearing that. Yeah.
Amber B 29:10
You know what I love about that story is that and this is such a testament to you is that, you know, I gave you some coaching and yes, sometimes I am, you know, blunt and like to tell him what is a little bit. But like you're one of those people who is like, as soon as you like make your decision, like you're all in, like the next thing I knew you were coming back to the group and being like, hey, guess what? I wore a tank top all day long. And I was like, wait a minute, we were like you were just saying that you hadn't heard of tank tops outside for 20 years and now you're like going to a graduation ceremony. Because that's such a testament to you that when you decide to do something, it's like okay, I'm going to do it and I'm going to go all in and I'm gonna make it happen. And that that is the Shari that has been so fun to see you uncover I don't know. I almost want to give her the name like brave Shari. But I see brave Shari just like showing up in her life in all of these different ways. And it's just, it's so exciting. It's so exciting to be able to see you step into that version of you, and I always make this point. This is not a new version of Shari. This is the version of Shari that's always been there that we just hide, and we just cover up. So this is not about you becoming somebody different, or you becoming somebody who you never were before, like this version of Shari was always there. She was just hiding. You were just hiding her. And now we're just rediscovering her and we're letting her out. And it's like, brave Shari can show up and do anything. She can do anything in her life.
Shari 30:38
Right? You wouldn't believe the list that came out of my mind. Once that tank top, and I wore that in a field, like I hit that 10 it's like, I'm gonna learn to swim. I didn't learn to swim when I was 12. Well, not because I don't want to wear a suit. It's because I was scared. And at this point, like, why not? Why not just be brave for a minute and try it.
Amber B 31:06
That's so good. So, so good. Okay, this has been amazing. I love hearing your stories. Last thing that I want you to share, is if you had somebody who was trying to decide whether they were going to join Macros 101, what would you tell them?
Shari 31:22
Oh my gosh. So this is the most exciting part to me. And I tell you this because I am such an extrovert, like, I am so extroverted, that I say to people, you are my friend, you just don't know it yet. And so
Amber B 31:38
Oh my gosh, I love that.
Shari 31:41
So I'm going to talk right now to a specific friend. Okay, you may not know me, but you are my friend. So I want to talk specifically to the one who suffered that childhood trauma, and the one that has suffered the worst that others have placed on her. And the ones who work so hard to fill the cups of others, when yet their cup feels so empty, that nothing ever comes out of it. So I just want you to know, you can change your story. So that story that you've been telling yourself in your head, comes from this place of fear. It keeps you believing things that are not true, and Macros 101, I was gonna tell you can help you change your story. It is so much more than the macros program. It's so much more than a fitness journey. Although I am truly a believer in the fitness journey now. It is a program that helped me find my identity again. It's totally giving you the tools like the tools that I never thought that I would ever need or find. It has these tools that totally helped me work my life from the inside out. And it's work that truly I believe has to be done before you break out of the cycle that really has left you a prisoner. I mean, I felt like a prisoner. I think it's so strong and the ability to collect my own data, to make decisions based on my data and to do it and to see it and to say I did that. But also, it gives you such support from these amazing coaches and these women who really see worth in you today when you don't. And I'm going to tell you, it's going to be hard at times, but I just want you to know how brave you are, you are so brave and you are so worth it. And you will see that in yourself. But I want you to know you can be the author of your own story going forward. And I'm just going to leave you with this. So I had the song I'm such a connector with songs and there's the song that has really become the anthem of my Macros 101 and now Beyond. But the song starts out; today it all begins. I'm seeing my life for the very first time through a different lens yesterday and understand driving 50 or driving 35 but the rocket inside me I didn't know what I had. While I've been waiting to live. My life's been waiting on me. And finally I'm going to know what it's like to live and not just be alive.
Amber B 34:22
So beautiful. Well, this has been amazing. One thing that came up was you were as you were speaking, if you're willing to share before we hit record, you said that you had an experience with your husband that made you realize that like this was like the new Shari like you weren't going back, right? You've had this experience of losing 80 pounds and then going back. Will you share that? Like what makes you so sure that this is the end?
Shari 34:48
So so much of my struggle has been this elevator or so much of the struggle has been this escalator of negative feelings, negative thoughts, negative self talk. 39 years of this, it's just become ingrained in my brain that it was normal that I never ever realized that what was going on inside of my head was not normal. So one night, like all married couples, I've been married for 25 years. And we have disagreements. And there was one night during a disagreement, I was feeling pretty low, emotionally, and loudly, and clearly in my head for the first time. I heard a voice say you were worthless. I actually gasped out loud. It was the first time in my life that I recognized it. I heard it. And I sat with that emotion. I mean, I just sat with it. And at that moment, I decided that you know what I'm hearing these thoughts from now on, I'm going to acknowledge every thought that is not serving me. And I'm going to change every reaction that I have to those thoughts. And, you know, I wish I could rewind my story, 39 years of the crap that I've done and said in my head, but I'm working on peeling that onion, one layer at a time. And I'm gonna sit with those emotions, and rewrite my story. And that's how I absolutely know that even though I have so much work ahead of me, that it is worth it and this is it. This is the last thing I'm ever going to do. Because I think I finally found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Amber B 36:38
Yeah. So, good. gives me chills just hearing. Thank you, Shari, so much for coming on. And sharing your story. I know that there are going to be women listening who hear themselves in your story. And if that's you, and you're listening, and you're like man, I could have I could have said Shari story. I want you to recognize where she's at and recognize that because she is there that it absolutely means that you can be there too. And I think that's the thing that's so exciting about sharing our stories is that Shari can be that example that is possible. She's done it and you can do it too. So thank you so much for coming on and sharing everything.
Shari 37:19
Thank you, Amber. It has been such a pleasure.
Amber B 37:22
I hope that you got and took a lot away from that story with Shari, she had so many great nuggets, that I'm sure that you can apply directly to whatever it is that you're going through wherever you are at in your fitness journey. I'm pretty sure that there's something that you could pull out from Shari's story that would help you and that's exactly why I share these. That's why I bring these women on to the podcast because my goal is to have their stories inspire you and help you to start to believe that change transformation, whatever goal it is that you're trying to achieve is possible for you and that you can do it. And that belief starts the process. And by hearing other stories, you can start to have that belief in yourself. So I'm so grateful for the women who come on the podcast. I'm grateful for Shari and that wraps up this episode of biceps after babies radio.
Amber B 38:12
Now if you are listening to this episode in real time, that means there are only days before we open the doors to my signature coaching program Macros 101 for the final time in 2021. In fact, the next time we'll be opening Macros 101 will be in March of 2022. So if you have been sitting on the sidelines thinking about Macros 101, wondering about Macros 101. Now is your time my friend, we open doors on Monday, August 30. And doors will close on Thursday, September 2. So there are only a couple of days that were open. We do this very intentionally because we want to get everybody to close the doors and get to work with the women who are committed in creating a change and creating a transformation in themselves. It's my very favorite thing I get to do is to coach women through this transformation, whatever that looks like for you. Whether that's gaining muscle whether that's losing fat, whether it's improving your metabolism inside of macros one on one, you'll have the tools you'll have the education you'll have the support, you'll have the coaching to be able to get to where you want to go and that's what we do inside of Macros 101. So if you are like a heck yes and you want to make sure that you are able to get the support and the coaching and the education that you need in order to be able to be successful. Head to bicepsafterbabies.com/waitlist and you can add your name to the Macros 101 waitlist. We may or may not have a surprise for those people who add their names just saying. We are so excited about Macros 101 opening up like I said we are days from opening. It's like Christmas day for me. I cannot wait to work with those women who are like heck yes sign up, I want to work closer with Amber and with her team and to be able to really dive into this stuff on a deeper level, we just scratched the surface with the podcast and with my Instagram account and we go a lot deeper inside of Macros 101. So if you've been wanting to get coached by me, Macros 101 is the way to do it. Go to bicepsafterbabies.com/waitlist. I'm Amber now go out and be strong because remember my friend, you can do anything.
Hold up, sister friend. Do you love Biceps after Babies radio? If so, the best way to say thank you is to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review on iTunes. I know, every podcaster wants you to leave a review, but it's because those reviews help the podcast to reach more people. And I do truly want to know what you think. If this particular episode resonated with you, will you also please share it? Either send the link to someone who would find it valuable or take a screenshot and post it to your social media and tell your friends and family why they should listen. Make sure you tag me @biceps.after.babies so I can hear your feedback and give you a little love. And you know, if you aren't already following me on Instagram or Facebook, that's the perfect time to hit that follow button. Thank you for being here and listening to Biceps after Babies radio.
Very inspiring!