231: Beating Menopause with Macros with Melissa Gregory ["I Did It" Series]
Have you ever struggled to believe in yourself? What about accepting and loving yourself? If you answered yes to any of those scenarios, this episode is definitely for you. On today’s “I Did It” episode, I have Melissa Gregory, who shares her journey and the wisdom that’s come from it. I think many women will find value in her story, so let's jump in.
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Show Notes
Have you ever struggled to believe in yourself? What about accepting and loving yourself? If you answered yes to any of those scenarios, this episode is definitely for you. On today’s “I Did It” episode, I have Melissa Gregory, who shares her journey and the wisdom that’s come from it. I think many women will find value in her story, so let's jump in.
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- Dealing with menopause (11:09, 12:27, 31:03)
- Mental works and mindset shifts gained in MACROS 101 (17:48, 20:55, 25:20, 31:40)
- Dwell more with what you have and what you were doing rather than focusing on what you lack (22:16, 32:31)
- Your joy is a choice (23:35)
- Benefits of joining an accountability group (26:09, 26:26, 28:06)
You're listening to Biceps After Babies Radio episode number 231.
Hello and welcome to Biceps After Babies Radio. A podcast for ladies who know that fitness is about so much more than pounds lost or PRs. It's about feeling confident in your skin and empowered in your life. I'm your host, Amber Brueseke, a registered nurse, personal trainer, wife, and mom of four. Each week, my guests and I will excite and motivate you to take action in your own personal fitness as we talk about nutrition, exercise mindset, personal development, and executing life with conscious intention. If your goal is to look, feel, and be strong and experience transformation from the inside out, you, my friend are in the right place. Thank you for tuning in, now let’s jump into today’s episode.
Amber B 3:56
If you are tired of your only tool for transformation being restriction and deprivation and cutting out food groups, and you want to be someone who can look in the mirror and actually see a visible transformation. And like me, and you aren't willing to cut out sugar to get there, then macro counting is the tool that is missing from your tool belt. But just like any tool, any hammer, a saw, the tool is really only as effective as the person who is wielding the tool actually makes it. And when I see time and time again, are women who start using the tool of macro counting without really understanding how to do it. They don't understand how to set or adjust their macros. And this leads them to get lackluster results, getting frustrated with the process and scrolling through Instagram just feeling defeated because they're like well, macro counting worked for that woman, why the heck didn't work for me. And then getting to this place where they just quit and you say something silly like Well, I tried macro counting and it didn't work. That's like letting go of a helium balloon and watching it float away and saying, Well, I guess gravity just didn't work. No friend, science is science. Gravity is working just like it should on that balloon, you just don't quite understand the nuances of gravity, right? And it's the same thing with macro counting. The question is not does macro counting work? Because macro counting is just basic science. The question is, how can I wield that scientific principle? How can I wield that tool of macro counting to get better results? How can I use that tool for my specific situation? And that's what I teach my clients inside of Confidence In Your Numbers.
Amber B 2:28
I created Confidence In Your Numbers because I saw a big glaring hole in the market. And that is too many women are relying on expensive coaches to set and adjust their macros for them. Now, again, I get it. Most coaches want you to pay them and in exchange, they'll set their macros for you. And then if you want to pay them more money, they'll “coach” you and they'll adjust your macros for you week to week. But of course, they're not going to actually teach you how to do it yourself. Because why? Well, it's simple. It benefits them to make adjusting your macros and setting them to feel as complicated and as nebulous as possible. But it's really not that complicated. And well, that's not my business model. I don't want to set your macros for you. And I really don't want you to keep paying me to have me adjust them for you, I would rather teach you how to do it yourself. So that you don't have to keep paying someone month to month to do something that really is simple enough for you to do on your own. It's kind of like that comment saying, If you give a woman a fish, eat for a day, and if you give a woman teach a woman how to fish, eat for a lifetime. So the question really is, do you want to be the woman who gets given a fish, and then you're left metaphorically to starve when you stop paying for the fish? Or do you want to be the woman who learns how to fish so you can keep snagging those fish for free without having to rely on someone else to feed you? If you're like me, and you're the type of woman who wants to learn how to fish then Confidence In Your Numbers is for you.
Amber B 3:52
Confidence In Your Numbers is a live masterclass where I teach you how to set your macros for your unique body. And I teach you how to adjust them over time. Because here's the second common mistake that I see a lot of women making when they start counting macros. They set their macros and they're like, oh, success is just as easy as following these numbers to the finish line. Which is kind of like saying you can travel the world in a single vehicle, right? Okay, stay with me on this metaphor. So sure, a car is great for driving across the US. But then, when you hit the Atlantic Ocean, you can't drive that car any further, you have to get into a new vehicle like a boat or a plane to keep going. And the same thing applies to your macros. If you just set your macros once and keep following them, you're going to plateau, you're going to hit the Atlantic Ocean and you're going to get frustrated because what you're doing isn't working anymore. And then you're gonna quit and then you're really not gonna see results. So just like you have to swap out your vehicle based on the terrain. If you want to avoid plateauing in your journey, you're going to need to adjust your macros throughout the process, which for some people could feel like it's really complex, and that's what most coaches want you to believe so that you'll pay them to do it. But I'm not like the type of coach, which is why inside of Confidence In Your Numbers I've simplified, adjusting macros into something that anyone can learn and allows you to skip the overpriced coach, accelerate your results and keep your hard-earned money in your pocket.
Amber B 5:14
So if you want to learn to set and adjust your own macros, come join me for my Live, Paid Masterclass on July 28, you can go to my website right now and you can purchase a prior recording of Confidence In Your Numbers. It's always on sale for $199 but because I will be delivering this class live which is always more fun anyway. If you joined before July 28, you'll get all the secrets about setting and adjusting your macros for just $99 because Confidence In Your Numbers is the perfect step to take before signing up for MACROS 101. We also allow you to apply what you pay towards Confidence In Your Numbers into MACROS 101, which means if you're listening to this and you plan to join us for the next round of MACROS 101 at the end of August. Joining Confidence In Your Numbers is essentially free because the investment you make in Confidence In Your Numbers will be applied towards your MACROS 101 enrollment, which is super cool. So if you're ready to finally snap that after picture that you've always wanted, come and join my live masterclass Confidence In Your Numbers and you're going to walk away with all those secrets that most coaches won't share about how to set and adjust your own macros. To sign up, go to bicepsafterbabies.com/confidence to get registered for the class. And I'll see you on July 28. That's bicepsafterbabies.com/confidence.
Amber B 6:34
Hey, hey, hey, welcome back to another Friday episode of the “I Did It” Series on Biceps After Babies Radio. I'm your host Amber Brueseke. And every Friday, I bring you a different story of a woman who is in the middle of her journey has had some accomplishments, learn some things along the way, and is willing to share that story here with you. And today's episode is no different. I have Melissa Gregory on the podcast and she shares a lot about her journey. She thought she was coming into MACROS 101 for one thing, and ended up leaving with something a little bit different. And so I'm gonna let her share that part of the story.
Amber B 7:11
The thing that really struck me about my conversation with Melissa, is how her self-talk has shifted so much. And I asked her in the episode if she is able to look in the mirror and say that she loves herself and actually believes it. And she said yes. So if you are somebody who you feel like that is a struggle with you, you're not at that place yet. You're not at that place where you can like look in the mirror and actually feel love towards the person or the body standing in front of you. Please take the time to listen to this episode because Melissa was right where you used to be or where you are now. She used to be where you are now struggling to like, accept herself and love herself. And she shares a lot of words of wisdom and how she got to where she is today. And so if you feel like that's a struggle, definitely make sure to prioritize listening to this whole episode, because we're going to cover that in her interview. So let's jump in.
Amber B 8:12
I am thrilled to welcome Melissa to the podcast. Melissa, thanks so much for coming on today.
Melissa 8:18
I am so excited to be here.
Amber B 8:20
Me too. I'm excited for you to share your story. I think that a lot of women are gonna be able to relate to where you are in life and some of the things that you have learned and experienced through your journey. So let's start with just an overview. Can you kind of tell everybody who's listening to a little bit about you, some of maybe your struggles, and you know what was feeling hard that made you want to join MACROS 101?
Melissa 8:41
So I am a postmenopausal mom of three. My kids are 15, 18, and 20. I work from home and I have an amazing husband, but I have always been a diet yo-yo’er. And I mean, I've tried it all I've been a CrossFit instructor, I've done Weight Watchers, I mean, I've probably done everything except for buy like the meals where you like to purchase them, but I've pretty much done at all. And I think for me, my biggest struggle, well I'll say this, I guess I'm jumping ahead but going into MACROS 101 I really thought that I was just going in it to like figure out macros better and I told myself I didn't need the mental aspect of it. I was fine. This is for the other ladies, so I was like, as we started it, I started to realize that I haven't probably maybe forever always viewed myself as two people. Now I discovered this going through the mental journey that I didn't think I needed, right. Yeah, so I started looking at myself as like, oh gosh, you know, I'm a great mom because I have a kid that has epilepsy. So I'm like, constantly like dealing with that. And like I do so much for my family, and I'm this great co-worker, and this great friend and sister and daughter, and then that was one person. And then I viewed myself as another person from the outside, like so hard on myself, like, learn to lose weight. Why aren't you in this size? And it dawned on me during like, doing some of the things in your five-day challenge and just going through MACROS 101 to listen to the modules that, oh, no, when she's talking to me, I needed the mental part of this. So it's been like an amazing journey to figure out that I am one person and not two.
Amber B 10:51
That's really interesting. I, you know, and one of the identities that you mentioned, first off, the bat was batted being a postmenopausal lady. So I'm curious, like, how has that impacted your journey? You know, what are some of the unique considerations that you have taken to account when you are postmenopausal?
Melissa 11:09
So menopause, for me brought a ton of joint pain, a lot of insomnia, and a lot of my emotions being all over the place. I wish that people talked about it more, because it's kind of like, welcome to menopause. And I feel like so many people in need, by myself for a while was like that, but that's just the way it's got to be. And I'm just going to have to live with it like this. But starting to track my macros and starting to see the foods that I was putting into my mouth, really changed everything for me, I have no joint pain anymore. I'm sleeping like a rock. Because I am getting that sleep, I feel like I have a clearer mind. Like, I'm not so exhausted all the time, I have figured out which foods I have too much of one macro, and how it makes me tired. Or it's just so crazy to me. And so I would say to women who are going through menopause, there is hope, you can't just be like, Well, I'm just going to gain weight. You know, you have to figure out your body like it is a science.
Amber B 12:27
Yeah, and I think the thing that comes along with menopause is for some women, is that like resignation that like, Well, I guess this is like the new normal, like, this is how it's gonna be. And then it's compounded by the fact that we don't really talk about it. So how do we really know what's normal if people aren't talking about it, we don't have an expectation of like, knowing Oh, okay, so this is normal and this is not. Joint pain doesn't necessarily mean it's normal, or something that you just have to live with. And it's one of the reasons I think, the more that we can talk about menopause, and women can share their own personal experiences, the more we can feel empowered to say, hey, I don't have to just accept this, I don't have to just accept this aspect of it. But there are things that I can do and that I can change and that can really make a difference and make you feel better through the whole experience. And so I think that it's awesome that you're giving women an insight into not resigning themselves to the fact that it has to be a certain way but be more proactive about that. You said you had done a lot of different diets and a lot of, you know, bouncing from diet to diet, how did you specifically discover macro counting, and what made you think that it was going to be any different than any of the other things that you had tried?
Melissa 13:37
So the thing that I had done before this was I did a faster way to fat loss. And that's where I was introduced to what macros were. The issue for me there was and I had great success with it. But I felt like I wasn't in control of figuring out my macros or adjusting them for me. It kind of just felt like a blanket for everybody.
Amber B 14:07
Yeah, like a black box that you're like, I don't have some say.
Melissa 14:09
Right. And when I needed help, I would go to like my coach or I even went further to like the corporate level. I never felt like it was here. Let me like walk you through this and let you figure it out so that you won't need me anymore. It was I'm gonna give you a little bit so that you have to come back to me. And so I just feel like I have found freedom in figuring out the macros for my body because everyone's different.
Amber B 14:37
Yeah, a 100%, and I see that a lot about when women are joining MACROS 101, it's like I don't want to coach you forever.
Melissa 14:45
Amber B 14:46
My mom has always said that she's like, I don't want to like I don't want to be your parent forever. I don't want to have to like, manage you forever. Like my goal is to raise healthy adults who can like make decisions on their own. It's the same thing here is I don't want you to have to come to me forever to adjust your macros, I want to help you to learn how to do that yourself because that's what's going to be long-term success for you.
Melissa 15:06
Right. Yeah. So I found the macros there and when I was they had a little challenge going on, and they put me in an accountability group. And someone on there was following Biceps After Babies, and they were like, you should listen to it. And so I started listening to it like religiously on my walks. And that's how I discovered MACROS 101, and the rest is history.
Amber B 15:26
And that's awesome. So what made you specifically want to join MACROS 101? Was it that gaining that knowledge for yourself? Was that what was really drawing you into that experience?
Melissa 15:36
Yes, it was. I felt like I just needed more knowledge. I felt like I needed to be in control, I needed to be the scientist. And, you know, I can also apply this to like my kids and my family. You know, my daughter is an athlete. And so I've been able to educate her. Had I not done MACROS 101, I wouldn't have been able to do that.
Amber B 15:58
Yeah, yeah, that's powerful. We've had people say the same thing, especially in terms of their partners, getting diagnosed with diabetes, or their kids getting diagnosed with diabetes, or having their kid or their partners have had health issues and that needed some dietary help. And just feeling like you understand the process of nutrition, and you understand the process of manipulating things and reading the feedback from your body, those abilities and skills are something that so has so many applications outside of just, you know, do you want to get skinny or do you want to lose weight? But just that understanding, opens up a whole wide swath of possibilities for you. What are the things that you said, I think I want to highlight a little bit because I think it's very common, you had said earlier that you came into MACROS 101, and you're like, oh, I don't really need the mental work that's like for everybody else, which is very, very typical. But what you did say was that the reason you went MACROS 101 was because you wanted more knowledge. And I think that is a very common experience of thinking that the thing that is missing is knowledge. And if I just learned some more things, then that's gonna make the biggest change. And what a lot of women realize is like, Yes, I'm going to teach, I'm gonna give you a lot of knowledge. I'm going to teach you a lot inside of MACROS 101, but not like the lack of knowledge is not usually the linchpin for most people. Because just because you know, something, doesn't mean you actually do it. And so you get into MACROS 101, and you realize, okay, now I have all this knowledge, but I still sometimes have problems applying it. And that is where I can gently coax you and say, Hey, that maybe there is a little bit of that mental work to be done, as well.
Melissa 17:37
or a lot
Amber B 17:39
Or a lot to be able to make it stick. So will you talk a little bit about some of that mental work that you did, and some of those mindset shifts that you experienced during the program?
Melissa 17:48
Yeah, just do some of the modules and then the challenge that you had before we went into it was really eye-opening, as far as I was so critical of myself. And then I started like, listening to like myself, like talk to my daughter about like, her body image. I think society and social media has put so much pressure on us to look a certain way and be a certain size and wear a certain outfit. And so I would talk to her and say, well think about what your body has done for you. Like she's been through lots of surgery. So I was like it, it got you through the surgeries. You're an amazing athlete, think about how hard you can kick, think about how you can hit the ball with your hockey stick, just day-to-day stuff that you're capable of doing. And then all of a sudden, it was like this light bulb? Like, why the heck are you telling yourself this? Like, Why am I always soaking myself? So just going through the modules and just recognizing that me thought that it was for the other ladies that are watching. And really, it was applying so much to me. And so now I just, you know, I'm proud of myself for producing the three babies I have and being able to do physical activities with them. I mean, I've done marathons and half marathons and I did CrossFit, I've done so much that I need to give myself credit for instead of always being I should be a smaller size, I should lose weight, it's just, it's freeing. It makes it a happy place instead of a place that I am scared to go to.
Amber B 19:23
Yeah, that's so big. You know, you talked about how, earlier on when you were talking about some of the identities that you had acknowledged and recognized that you were a great wife, a great mom, a great friend. But on some level, you didn't give your appearance or your body that same appreciation and acknowledgment. Why do you think that there was a disconnect there?
Melissa 19:49
That's a great question, probably because I was so focused on what I was giving others and how I was being presented to others, and how they were viewing me instead of just myself.
Amber B 20:00
Yeah. And how did that start to shift for you? Because I think that's very common. The beauty is redefined, they talk about self-objectification of like, instead of experiencing your body or being in your body, your experiences of what other people's or experiences of your body are that self-objectification. And so it's a very common way that a lot of women feel is like, their whole experience of themselves is through the eyes of other people. And that can be tough to start to shift. So do you have any insight for someone who struggles with their appearance or struggles with perceiving themselves through the eyes of others?
Melissa 20:40
Yeah, I was thinking about this the other day, like, when I see a friend walk up, and they have a great outfit on. I don't say, she probably went up a size or she might up point seven pounds, you know, like,
Amber B 20:54
I wonder how much weight I have this morning.
Melissa 20:55
Yeah. Right. You know she looks beautiful and you tell them that. And I think that you love like, someone had said to me at a conference, write down the top three things that you love person or thing. And I wrote it down and I didn't put myself on that list. And that was eye-opening for me. And I think that if we're viewing the people that we love with this greatness, why aren't we looking at ourselves that way? I should be proud of myself. Okay. Yeah, I didn't lose some weight. But I should be proud of myself that I'm lifting heavier, that I'm able to take my kids to the park and go on a 10-mile ride like I need to be proud of those things instead of the outward appearance. I need to practice what I preach.
Amber B 21:47
Yeah. I think it's so wise what you say because how many of us can be able to see that when like our daughter says something like that? Right? We're able to see it very clearly. When our friends do something like that. And we're like, we can quick to counteract those thoughts that maybe our friend is saying or our daughter saying. And what I'm hearing you say is like, you needed to start doing that for yourself as well. Right?
Melissa 22:12
Right. Like, how can I preach it to my kids and not believe it for myself?
Amber B 22:16
Yeah. Yeah, that's so good. And the other thing that I heard, that you shared, was that instead of focusing on the lack, or what you did not have, you focus instead on what you did have, and what you were doing. And I think even there's that small shift, I'm not saying to not set goals, I'm not saying to like stretch yourself or want to grow or like I think all those are wonderful, but when you spend the majority of your time focusing on what you don't have, or what you are lacking, rather than what you are doing and what you do have, it creates this never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction. You know, if you're always working on what you don't have, then you're always dissatisfied. And what I heard you start to do and start to shift is focusing on what you were doing, you were lifting, you weren't going to the gym, you were showing up, you were doing the work like and when you focus on those things and pat yourself on the back, then just like a child, that positive reinforcement, helps you to keep going and helps you to do more. It helps you to grow.
Melissa 23:20
Amber B 23:21
Yeah, so good. What is your current experience with looking in the mirror? If you're willing to share?
Melissa 23:35
Now, I would say when I looked at myself, it's almost like I talked to myself in the mirror, but in my head, because, you know, when I would, they would think I'm crazy. But, you know, it's like, I'm looking at myself, and it's like, I'm proud of you, you're doing this, you're sticking with it, you're beautiful. Like it was hard for me before to tell myself that. And now, it's freeing. You know, you can do this, you can get through the day, you can do whatever you set your mind to, it's up to me. My joy is a choice.
Amber B 24:11
And when you say those things to yourself, do you believe them?
Melissa 24:15
Oh, yeah.
Amber B 24:17
Was there a time that you didn't believe them? That you like, set it and it felt awkward? Like, yeah, I was like, I don't really quite feel that. Yeah. Okay. So the reason I asked that question is that that is usually the experience of somebody who starts to use affirmations or starts to want to shift those thoughts and beliefs is like, I say something like, Hey, let's practice some affirmations in the mirror and they look in the mirror and they're like, you're beautiful. And they're like, I don't believe that. Like, that doesn't feel true to me at all. And so I am grateful that you shared that experience because I think sometimes when you're in that moment, it feels like well, this is never gonna feel true. Like it doesn't feel true right now. So like, doesn't matter how many times I say this in the mirror, it's like never we did feel true. And just being able to show you as an example of like, no, it didn't feel true for you at one point, and it does now. And so there was a process in between thereof having that you really start to believe that. Was that something you were aware was happening and was intentional about? Or is it something that unfolded? Or what does that look like for you?
Melissa 25:20
I think I caught myself a lot of times, with people saying to me, Oh, you look so great. You look like you lost weight, you know, that's a nice outfit. And I would always come back with something negative, like, Oh, you're blind. Or have you had your glasses? You know, or do you need glasses or this whole thing? You know, it was never, I never said, Oh, thanks. That's so nice, you know, or I've been working hard, or I think I heard myself say that over and over again, that it just made me take a step back and reflect on why I’m saying that, like, You need to believe in yourself. And I just, I don't know, like believing in yourself and finding the joy in yourself makes life better. It just, it's so your mindset can change everything.
Amber B 26:09
Yeah. Yeah, so powerful. One of the things that you shared with me, that has been a big help for you in your journey, is when you join MACROS 101, you also joined an accountability group, when you talked to me a little bit about that experience, and how that has shaped your journey.
Melissa 26:26
Yeah, they're awesome. I always feel like if you're gonna go into something, go for it all in. And I knew I needed to do that. So I signed up to be in a group and there are six of us, and we Marco Polo each other, which is awesome. A lot of ladies didn't know what that was. But it's just, that I feel like it's a great tool to communicate and see their face. And like, we are real and roll, like we get on after we've gotten out of the shower, and our hair, hair still in a towel. And it's, you know, we're talking about just anything and everything. Like, it's like when we become friends now, it's like, they're part of my life. But you know, of course, there are times when you're on this journey, and you're discouraged. So it's so great to get on there and just talk to them about what's going on. And they come back as a coach, it's like, I didn't need the coaching call, because they would be like, now why do you think that is? So now we call each other out, like, Coach Melanie, you know, it's been really cool. And just like, they were the ones that reminded me that there was this, you know, a great spreadsheet out there to track all your stuff, I think it's so eye-opening to like, you can log it into my fitness pal, or whatever you're using, that when you look at it on paper, or in an Excel spreadsheet, or whatever it is you're looking at, it's very eye-opening. And so they like, you know, told me about that, and I didn't know about that. And we might talk about what is great protein sources, and it's just, it's so cool. It's just so cool. And you know, someone's usually struggling on there and then we all come on there. And then you know, next week, somebody else might be struggling, but we all just, it's just been really helpful. I would highly encourage it if someone is on the fence thinking about that, too. Just do it.
Amber B 28:06
Yeah, I think just having that community of people who are like in it with you, again, and you know, it's sometimes hard to describe to your partner or to your friends, like they're not in it with you and really 100% get it but those people like they're in it, and they know what you're feeling and they know what you're experiencing and just like any relationship I feel like you know, even with my spouse, it's like we go through times when like I'm the strong one I need to be strong for him and then he needs to be strong for me and we kind of like have that balance back and forth. And you know, what I'm hearing is in that group, you guys can kind of be that as like your some of you are going to be having a great week and some of you are going to have a not great week and those who are having a great week and kind of pull those people up who aren't and then a couple of weeks later it may switch and they may be having a fabulous week and you're not and then they can pick you up and I think having a community of people who get you and understand you and form those relationships is incredibly powerful. Awesome. It makes me so happy with them we have had a couple of accountability groups who had been together for like two-plus years. They like met they went on like a trip together they like met up and like that kind of stuff just like makes my day to be able to know that we've created some relationships that have lasted so long from you know something like eight weeks in MACROS 101. I'm curious Melissa, what kind of goals are you working on right now? And how are you approaching goals differently now that you've been through MACROS 101?
Melissa 29:31
So when I went into MACROS 101, I was in a cut. I think my biggest regret was that I should have gone in reverse. The whole group is in reverse. Now that I'm in reverse, they're all like yeah, welcome!
Amber B 29:42
We've been waiting for you.
Melissa 29:43
Yes, yeah. So my goal right now is to stay in this reverse for a while and then I will go into a cut probably in the fall. You know, before MACROS 101 like going into it, I've been like I'm going to get down just to get two sides, it's not bad anymore. It's really not. It's finding the foods that make me feel good, that make me operate at my best. I don't know, I feel like a scientist, I really do. I know that sounds corny, but my husband would be really happy because he's a biology guy. But, yeah, my goal is just to stay in the reverse and stay positive with it. I know that there, it can be tricky at times. But it's fun. It's also really fun to be in a reverse now. Just kind of playing around with it and figuring out what's best for me. And then I'll go into a cut. And I'm sure I'll still be with my little, my group, little posse. And you know, we'll get each other through it.
Amber B 30:44
That's awesome. That's so good. All right, last question, for somebody who's out there listening, who maybe is going through menopause right now, or postmenopausal, any words of wisdom or uplifting words that you have for that woman?
Melissa 31:03
Oh, girlfriend, it's tough, menopause is tough and it's real. And I would just say, stick with it. I mean, keep moving your body and find the foods and movements that work for you. Like, don't make excuses, like sometimes my knees hurt, and I can't go on my knees, well, then, you know, get another, get a different exercise, don't give up. Don't take it as, oh, it's menopause. And I'm just gonna just gain the weight and be miserable. And not have a lack of movement, like, believe in yourself. And find the foods and the exercise routine that works for you.
Amber B 31:40
I think just giving people that permission to not feel like they have to do it the way that everybody else is doing it. And it's one of the things I talk a lot about MACROS 101 is like becoming the macro scientist figuring out what works for you going through that experimentation process and realizing that you're unique, like, you are a unique person, why would we think that it has to be like the same for every single person out there, or like, what's going to work for one person is going to work for the other. It's not like that. And when you start to feel that freedom to experiment, and to try and to test and to understand how to read the feedback from your body and be able to like look at it from a scientific perspective and maintain that, get rid of the emotion and maintain that that scientific perspective. It just opens up such a world of possibilities for you moving forward. So I'm so glad that you shared that.
Melissa 32:27
Because love yourself, you know, yeah, give yourself some grace and love yourself.
Amber B 32:31
Yeah. And for some of the people who hear that, and they're like, yeah, yeah, but how do you do that? Go back to the part in the episode where we talked about how Melissa felt the same way, looking at the mirror and saying, I can say these things to myself, and I don't really believe them. And that process through which she went through to get to the place where she does. She looks in the mirror now and she really does believe it, it is possible for you to like yourself, love yourself, accept your body, and it is possible for you to get there. And I know for a lot of women listening, you may feel like that is impossible. I will tell you now, it is not impossible. And it's one of the reasons I love bringing people on like Melissa to share because I can sit here all day and be like, it's possible. You can do it like, you know, I can help you through it. But there's still that like, a voice in the back of a lot of people's heads who are like, “Well, yeah, of course, you would say that Amber, like how do you know?” And so when Melissa can come on here and share her personal experience of walking the walk, going through the journey. I hope that by you listening, you now believe it a little bit more than oh, well, Melissa got there. Maybe I can too and that's powerful. So now you're helping other women in your accountability group who are listening to the podcast. And that's a beautiful thing. Well, Melissa, you're fabulous. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story and uplift the people listening.
Melissa 33:51
You changed my life, Amber.
Amber B 33:53
That's awesome. That's so wonderful. Well, now you're changing other people's lives. And that's what this compound effect is it's like you create a change in somebody else and then they create a change in somebody else. And it just expands and the world becomes a little bit better one person at a time. That's how it works. So thanks for coming on the podcast.
Melissa 34:11
Thank you.
Amber B 34:12
What a great episode with Melissa. I'm so grateful for her coming on and sharing her story and her wisdom and being able to share the things that have made a difference for her in her journey. I love what she said about menopause and really not resigning yourself to the fact that it has to be miserable. I don't think that that's what menopause has to be. And just reminding yourself that you are in more control than maybe sometimes you think and you know Melissa talked a lot about how shifting her inner talk, shifting her mindset around things has changed everything. And even change some things with her body and the experience the some of the symptoms that she was having with menopause and I think when we focus on the inner work, and we focus on fueling our body and we focus on movement, that those things start to feel a whole lot better. And so I'm grateful for her for sharing that experience and that story. That wraps up this episode of Biceps After Babies Radio. I'm Amber, now go out and be strong because remember my friend, you can do anything.
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