103: 5 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight
In this episode, I'm talking about the five reasons why you aren't losing weight. And this is a common thing that I troubleshoot with clients and people in my DMS, where they say, “Amber, I'm doing all the things right, I'm counting macros, I'm eating healthy, I'm working out. Like I'm doing all the things, but it's not working. What do I do next?", "What's the next step?" And if that's you right now, then I can't wait for you to take a listen to this episode to help you pinpoint where you need to be paying a little bit more attention in your weight loss journey.
Find show notes at bicepsafterbabies.com/103
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Show Notes
In this episode, I'm talking about the five reasons why you aren't losing weight. This is a common thing that I troubleshoot with clients and people in my dms, where they say, “Amber, I'm doing all the things right, I'm counting macros, I'm eating healthy, I'm working out. Like I'm doing all the things, but it's not working. What do I do next?” And if that's you right now, then I can't wait for you to take a listen to this episode to help you pinpoint where you need to be paying a little bit more attention in your weight loss journey.
Find show notes at bicepsafterbabies.com/103
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You're listening to Biceps after Babies radio episode number 103. Hello and welcome to Biceps after Babies radio. A podcast for ladies who know that fitness is about so much more than pounds lost or PRs. It's about feeling confident in your skin and empowered in your life. I'm your host, Amber Brueseke, a registered nurse, personal trainer, wife, and mom of four. Every week, my guests and I will excite and motivate you to take action in your own personal fitness as we talk about nutrition, exercise mindset, personal development, and executing life with conscious intention. If your goal is to look, feel, and be strong and experience transformation from the inside out, you, my friend are in the right place. Thank you for tuning in, now let’s jump into today’s episode.
Big Huge Announcement: Macros 101 is officially open! 0:52
Hey, Hey welcome back to another episode of biceps after babies radio. I'm your host Amber Brueseke and big huge announcement doors to Macros 101 are officially open. We only open doors a couple of times a year and this will be your last chance to join until 2021. So I created Macros 101 because I don't like the way that most people teach macro counting. I don't like the way that most coaches teach it. I feel like a lot of coaches, boil it down into just another diet where you're given macros and then you are expected to follow them and if you don't follow them, then something's wrong with you. And you just need to try harder. And I think that is the exact wrong way to approach a fitness journey. And it's the reason that so many women struggle and so many women yo-yo up and down with their weight or they hit weight and then they rebound. And that is because you are not following a plan that was created customized for you.
What is in store for you in Macros 101 1:45
And so what I want to teach my clients and coach them through is how to become a scientist in their own journey, how to customize a plan that works for your lifestyle, your body, your goals, and is unique to you and is both effective and enjoyable. And that's exactly why I created Macros 101 to give you the content, the coaching, and the community to be able to do that.
5 big steps to accelerate to be successful in reaching your goal 2:07
And so inside of Macros 101, I teach you five big steps that are going to help you to accelerate your results. And the key is, and a lot of you listening, have set goals that you haven't yet achieved. And if you have not yet achieved them, it is because one of these key pieces is missing. And just like if you're missing a piece, a puzzle piece, you're never going to be able to put together the puzzle, right until you get that puzzle piece, probably going together. And it's the same thing with these five pieces that I've seen over and over and over again with my clients and the thousands of women that I've worked with. If you're missing one of these pieces, you aren't going to be able to be successful. And so if you haven't been able to see the results that you want yet, it is because one of these things is missing. And these are the five things that I teach inside of Macros 101.
Step 1: Setting your macros 2:54
So the five steps are first setting your macros, and specifically setting your starting macros because where we start is not where we necessarily end. But you have to get started because you have to be taking action in order to adjust. I always say I can't coach a parked car, I can't coach someone who's not taking action. And so we gotta get you started with some macros that are customized to you.
Step 2: Learn how to design customized meal plan 3:16
And then number two, you need to learn how to design your customized meal plan. And this is taking those macros that you have and creating a plan that's going to work for you that takes into account your food preferences that take into account your body that takes into account your medical history or your dieting history, that's going to be effective and enjoyable for you.
Step 3: Remove the 5 common blocks that keep you stuck 3:35
And then number three, we have to remove the five common blocks that keep most women stuck. And if you do not remove these blocks, you will continue to commit, try, and fail. And if you find yourself in that pattern before of trying and failing and trying and failing, it is likely because you're holding on to one of these five common blocks. And so inside of macros 101, a big part of what we do is I help coach you through those common blocks. And I have a four-step process that I take clients through in order to actually figure out the root cause of your self-sabotage.
Step 4: Make data-driven macro adjustments 4:12
And then number four is I teach you how to make data-driven macro adjustments. So if you think that you can just set your macros and follow them to infinity and like you're going to magically hit your goals, you're going to be very surprised, because that is not the process, you cannot just set your macros and just expect to follow them into your goal. You need and want to be making adjustments based on the feedback from your body. But the problem is, most women aren't able to look at the data properly and make the proper assessments of what's going on. And so then they end up either making improper assessments or improper adjustments based on the feedback. So I teach you how to become a scientist and to look at the data to understand it, to understand how to analyze it, and then from there, understand how to adjust your macros so that you're getting better results that are more customized to you over time.
Step 5: Executing a reverse diet 4:59
And then step number five is executing a reverse diet. And if you miss this piece, it doesn't matter if you have all the other pieces in a line. If you miss the reverse diet, you are never going to be able to maintain the goal weight or aesthetic that you want. Reverse dieting must be a part of your plan. And inside of Macros 101, I coach through the process because it can be scary, it can be scary to add calories, it can be scary to feel like you're going to be going backward like you're not at your goal weight yet. And all of those things are going to come up and I teach you the process of reverse dieting and I coach people through it. So even if you're listening to this and all you need help with is a reverse diet, Macros 101 is going to give you that and so much more to be able to help you to be successful in your journey.
Important puzzle pieces inside Macros 101 and the beautiful community in it 5:44
So inside of macros 101, that's the content. I go through these five keys that you have to have. These are the puzzle pieces that if you're missing one of them, are going to find yourself in the pattern of trying and failing and trying and failing. But in addition to the content, you also have access to the community. And I'm sure you've heard the quote that says that you are the compilation of the five people that you spend the most time around. We all know that our environment makes a difference. And when you align yourself and surround yourself with other like-minded women who are as committed to their goals as you are, who are working on their progress and who are sharing their wins, I can’t tell you the momentum that it builds when we have a community like that. These are women who are invested in themselves. They are saying they're taking a stand and saying that their life and their goals are important and they're willing to invest in them and you want to surround yourself with those types of women. So we have a community as a big part of Macros 101.
Superb coaching in the program 6:43
And then the last key piece is coaching. Coaching is what makes a difference. You can have all of the knowledge in the world, but until you actively apply it to yourself into your journey, which is what coaching helps you to do, you're not going to be successful long term. And that's what I found over and over and over again with my clients is that I could give them content, I could teach them how but that didn't necessarily mean that they got the results. And I realized over the years that coaching and actually like good coaching, where I help clients to be able to ask themselves better questions, help them to be able to tap into their innate wisdom. That type of coaching is what accelerates, it's like an accelerant on fire, right? It's like pouring gas on a fire. Macro counting, yeah, maybe like a fire and it maybe it may work. But imagine what happens when you pour the gas on it, you pour the accelerant on it, it just goes up in flames and that's what coaching does. And you are able to get that personalized coaching of like, Hey, I'm in this situation, what do I do next and be able to get a coach to be able to coach you through that it's me and six other coaches in the Macros 101 community. All who I have personally trained in my unique coaching methodology. It's like you will notice that I coach very differently than a lot of coaches. I'm not Google. I'm not a guru. I am a coach. And a coach is somebody who helps you to be able to find the things that are already inside of you, helps you to uncover what's already inside of you. And so that's what Macros 101 is. And I've taken almost 2000 women through this program, and we are so excited to welcome the women who are ready to get started on their journey and are ready to have help and ready to have coaching and ready to have a community and content to support them through that journey.
5 reasons you aren’t losing weight 8:53
Alright, so let's get into today's topic, which is five reasons that you aren't losing weight. And this is a common thing that I troubleshoot with clients and with people in my DMS, where they come to me and they say Amber, I'm doing all the things, right, I'm counting macros. I'm like eating healthy. I'm working out like I'm doing all the things, but it's not working, right? And you're at this place where you're like, what do I do next? What's the next step? And if that's you right now, then this podcast episode is going to be really good for you to be able to help you kind of pinpoint where you need to be paying a little bit more attention. And there are different aspects of this, you know, “problem of I am not losing weight” that we're going to look at today, five in particular.
No. 1 Not paying attention to calories and macros 9:43
So we're gonna start with number one, which is that you aren't paying attention to calories and macros. I see it every day. I see women who are like Amber, I'm eating healthy. I eat lots of vegetables and I'm you know, eating super clean, and I'm still not able to have the results that I want. And I think we're starting to, for people to understand this a little bit better. But there are still people out there who don't understand that it doesn't matter how clean your food is, it doesn't matter how “healthier food” is, but that the laws of thermodynamics still apply. Meaning if you are eating more calories than you are using in a day, then you're going to gain weight. And if you are eating less calories than you use in a day, you're going to lose weight. The quality of your food doesn't mess with the law of thermodynamics. Right, like the energy in and energy out. It's a law, it has to happen. And so I am a big proponent of focusing on the quality of your food, I think that we should be eating like well nourishing food that is fueling our body. I think no one's arguing that we shouldn't eat vegetables or you know whole foods. I think that's a great part of you should be a big part of your diet, mostly because it makes you feel better and it improves your health. Right and I think sometimes we can get lost on that when we talk about macro counting and we can get lost in yes, we want to have body composition change, but I think most of us want to have body composition change and be healthy for the rest of our lives. And when you talk about health, the quality of your food does matter. So I don't want you to miss this in saying like oh, quality of food doesn't matter. It absolutely does. However, at the same time, if you aren't seeing the results that you want, it could be because you are focusing on the quality of your food and you're not paying at all any attention to the calories and the macro composition of your food. And regardless of how the whole something is, regardless of if it came from the ground or not. If you are eating more calories and you burn in a day you aren't going to see the weight loss that you want. And a lot of women spend their wheels saying, Oh, I just had to eat healthier, like it's just, it's just a matter of eating healthier. And if I just could eat healthier, then I would be able to see the weight loss that I want. And that is not the case as an overarching theme if you eat healthier, and you are in a caloric deficit, yes, then you're gonna see weight loss.
Know what your metabolic rate is 12:21
But it's not just if I eat healthier. And so if you're someone who is struggling and not losing weight and not seeing the results that you want, are you paying attention to the calories and macros? Are you aware of how many calories you're burning per day?, and this does not mean that you're looking at your Apple Watch. It does not mean that a machine told you your basal metabolic rate, it doesn't mean that you plugged it into a calculator, but do you actually know how many calories you're burning because you have tested it out? Because you have actually eaten an amount of food for a period of time and seeing how your body responds. Too many women look at their Apple Watch and assume that's how many calories they burn. Or they go do an InBody scan and they say, Oh, well, the InBody scan said that I burned 1500 calories a day. I don't care what the InBody scan said, I don't care what your Apple watch says. And I don't care what an equation says. All I care about is the results. And so if you're eating 1500 calories a day, and it's not working, like you're not actually seeing a fat loss, then what we can then deduce from that because the energy in equals energy out is that that is how much your body is burning. Now, there's a whole lot of complicated factors that go into that. And, you know, we could spend days actually coaching someone through this process, but I get a little hot on the collar, not calling to the color. I shouldn't say that. I get a little like smack my head when people are like, well, this is how many calories and I burned and I'm like, how do you know that and they say it's what my apple watch says. My friend, your Apple Watch is not accurate. It's not an accurate reflection of what you're burning. And so a way better way than looking at a watch that's just essentially guessing at your metabolic rate is by actually eating set number calories for a while and seeing the results that your body gives you. That's how you're going to know what your metabolic rate is. And so if you are currently trying to eat clean, trying to eat healthily, but not paying attention to the calories and the macros that could be one reason why you aren't actually seeing the results that you want.
No. 2 What you’re doing isn’t enjoyable 14:24
Okay, number two, it isn't what you're doing isn't something that you enjoy, meaning you are prioritizing something being effective, over it being enjoyable. I call this white-knuckling. You may have heard that term before. But you can imagine white-knuckling is referring to like holding on so tightly to something that like the blood leaves your hand and it leaves you with these white knuckles. And we all know that we're able to do that for a while. But we can never do it long term like that's why it's called white-knuckling. You can't hold in the long term. It's like if you're hanging from a branch. And you can hold on really tight for a while, but eventually, your grip is going to give out and you're going to fall. And that's what I see happening with a lot of women. And so they're prioritizing a plan being effective over being enjoyable. Crash diets work until they don't, right, you can't maintain a crash diet long term. Nobody can eat like cabbage soup for the rest of their life long term. And so things like that, that are very extreme that aren't things that you enjoy that hook on to this mentality that the harder it is or the more complex it is or the more miserable I am, the better it works, works until it doesn't. And then what happens?
Wanting sustainable, long term and permanent results 15:46
Then we rebound and then we yo yo diet. And then we go from extreme to extreme. We go from restriction to binging and we swing, it's like a pendulum swinging between these two extremes, never been able to find moderation, never been able to find the middle, never been able to find a maintenance point. And doing this prioritizing effective over enjoyability sets you up for yo-yo dieting, and it sets you up for damaging your metabolism. And it's what we'll talk about that in a little bit because that's another reason that you might not be seeing results. But that's the consequence. That's the consequence of prioritizing something that's effective over something that's enjoyable. And you're here because you want results over the long term. You want sustainable results. Those are the people that I attract, I attract the people who are not the ones who want to lose 60 pounds in six weeks. You would rather lose 60 pounds in a year and keep it off forever. Whereas the other women who want to lose 60 pounds in six weeks, end up, regaining it back and more. We're all about sustainable, long term permanent change. And in order to do that, you cannot be prioritizing something that's effective over enjoyable. Because if you do that, it will not be effective in the long term. Okay? It's so important and it's something that I really highlight a lot with my clients inside of macros 101, I talked about customizing your plan to your lifestyle, and getting clear on your non-negotiables and making sure that those are built into your plan. Something doesn't have to be hard, or miserable or complicated to work. Okay. It does need to be customized to you and your lifestyle and it needs to be enjoyable for you. And if it's not, then we gotta fix it. We got to make it so that it's enjoyable. We got to play the game like we got to make it into a game. We gotta make it fun. We gotta make it enjoyable because that's the way that you're going to stick with it long term.
No. 3 You lack consistency 17:49
Okay, number three. I want to be careful when I say this because a lot of women label themselves with this and If you listen to my 102 episode on you aren't my rant on you are not the problem, I kind of go into this. So I want to be a little careful because a lot of women will just say, Oh yeah, that's my problem. Like that's where I need to solve it. And it isn't always the problem. But consistency is a big piece. So number three is maybe you lack consistency. And a lot of you have experienced this, especially when it comes to weekends, or vacations or parties, where you do really good when life is normal and predictable. And your schedules are the same but as soon as something out of the left-field is thrown at you, like a weekend or a vacation or a holiday or a party or not being able to get dinner on the table and having to go out like all of those things that are thrown at you. It blows up in your face and you aren't able to figure out how to include it into your plan. And there are so many women who struggle with starting and stopping and starting and stopping. And repeat every Monday? Start? Try, fail, repeat. Right? And maybe you've experienced that, that pattern.
Have a plan that’s customized to you at the same time you enjoy 19:12
Now back in 102, I talked about how the problem isn't it isn't that you just need more willpower. So okay, let's bring this back. The problem is you lack consistency. But the solution is not that you need more willpower. So that's the leap that a lot of women make. I need more consistency. I'm the problem. I just need to have more willpower, I need to suck it up. I need to try harder. Okay, that's not the solution. The problem is that you lack consistency. The solution is that you need to have a plan that's customized to you and that you enjoy it because now you don't have to exert willpower to follow it. Right, who has to exert the willpower to watch your favorite show? Who has to exert willpower to go eat your favorite dessert, right? Like we don't use willpower to do those things because we like that. We enjoy them. And if you are lacking consistency, it might be because your plan isn't something that you actually enjoy. It isn't something that is created for you.
The issue on self-sabotage 20:11
Another reason that you might lack consistency, and I talked about this a little bit too in the rant in 102 is that you have some blocks, you have some deep-rooted blocks that keep you from that consistency that cause you to self-sabotage. And in Macross 101 when I talk about these five blocks that keep you stuck, and it's what I coach through a ton because if we don't actually remove those blocks, you're going to continue starting and stopping and failing and telling yourself that you're the problem. And when, as a coach, I can help you get to the root of where that self-sabotage is coming from. And we can shift it, we can remove it, we can eliminate it, then it becomes easy. So many of you are metaphorically driving through your journey with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. And you think that if you just could push the gas harder, you'd go faster. And you haven't even yet considered what happens when you remove your foot from the brake. And maybe, just maybe you don't have to push any harder on the gas. But if you simply remove your foot from the brake, you'll go faster.
Power of coaching in removing blocks that hinders you achieve your goals 21:32
And that's where I see so many women, you don't have to push faster on the gas, you don't have to push harder, you don't have to be miserable. You don't have to be hard. You simply need to remove your foot from the brake, you didn't even realize that was on it. That's the thing. We're all driving down the road. We don't even realize that our foot is on the brake. And what it takes is a coach to be like, hey, girlfriend, your foot is on the brake. Let me help you figure out how to get your foot off the brake. So that the energy and effort you're putting in is actually rewarded. With a change when you look in the mirror, and that's the power of coaching is to help you to lift your darn foot off of the break, remove these blocks that are keeping you stuck so that it's easy to move forward and to make them get the results that you want.
No. 4 Looking at the wrong data 22:16
Alright, number four, you may be looking at the wrong data. If you are not losing weight, and you're trying to lose weight, you may simply be looking at the wrong data. If you are only tracking the number on the scale, you're doing it wrong. You're doing it wrong. It's okay. It's okay to do it wrong. We're gonna teach you how to do it right. You have if you've been a listener of this podcast, you've heard me say time and time again, fat loss is not weight loss. Weight loss is not fat loss. They are not one to one, there's not a one to one relationship, that when the scale goes down a pound it means you have lost a pound of fat. That's not a true statement. It does mean that you've lost a pound, but we cannot make the leap and say that the pound you lost was fat. So how do we know if it's working? If we can't just look at the scale and say, Oh, yeah, it's working. Oh, no, it's not working.
Look at multiple data points 23:12
We have to look at multiple data points. Okay. So if you are going to go buy a house, would you ever buy a house by just looking at one picture, you get one picture of the house. No freakin’ way. Because you know that that one picture is not showing you everything in the house. It's not showing you all the rooms. It's not showing you the layout. It's not showing you how dark it is like it's not showing you everything. So just like you would never buy a house with just one picture. You cannot determine whether or not you're losing fat by just looking at the scale. And so what we need to do is we need to make sure that we're pulling in multiple data points. So if you are trying to lose weight and specifically if you're trying to lose fat, you yes should be looking at the scale weight. That is a single data point. But we also need to pull in other data points. So what do we pull in, we pull in progress pictures, we pull in measurements, we pull in non-scale victories, we look at the fit of your clothes. We look at how you, like your relationship with food, is progressing. We look at the way that you're talking to yourself. All of these things are ways to measure progress, that give you a well rounded, actual view and like analysis of what is going on. Because of the problem that I see with so many women is that they start something. They are looking at the wrong data points, and they're like, it's not working. It's not working, I might as well not do it. Why am I going to all this effort, I'm not going to do it if it's not working. And then they quit. And what they didn't recognize was that it was working, but they were looking at the wrong things. So they didn't know that it was working. And so they quit prematurely. And so if there's one thing that you take away from this Episode and start to apply to your own journey is that you need multiple data points, you need to be able to pull in multiple data points to actually get a good analysis of what is going on. And once you have a good analysis of what is going on, then it becomes very clear what you need to do next to be able to get the results that you want.
No. 5 Your metabolism needs repair 15:46
All right, last one number five reason why you might not be losing weight is that your metabolism is shot and that you need to reverse and I see this all the time in my DMS where people will email me there's like DM me their stories and the very end, all it is they just haven't ever intentionally eat more calories intentionally maintained. They haven't restored their metabolic rate. So if you're never heard of this term reverse dieting, or you've never heard of metabolic adaptation, I highly suggest you go back and listen to Episode 9, 10, and 42. Those are the episodes that I've done on reverse dieting, but I'm just going to do a quick, quick, brief run-through of metabolic adaptations. So you understand why this could be why you're not seeing weight loss.
Metabolic adaptation 26:08
So metabolic adaptation is a good thing. It's a good thing that our body does to keep us alive. It means that our metabolism is regulated and adapts based on the food that's available, right. So if you have an abundance of food, then your body will actually burn more calories. If you're eating more food, your body will burn more calories. And if you're eating less food, your body recognizes that it needs to be conservative, and it needs to not expend as much energy. And so it reduces the amount that you're burning each day. It's just like, if you imagine that you had, you know, $1,000 in the bank, and every week, you had another thousand dollars coming in, right, you'd be a little bit freer with your money, right? you expand it a little bit more freely. Whereas if all of a sudden that thousand dollars that you had coming in every week dropped to $100, you would be a little bit more stingy with like, buying things because you knew that that money wasn't coming in quite as quickly as it was before. Your body does the same thing. And it's good. It's how our body's ability to keep us alive. It's how we're able to survive like starvation and famines. But it's something that we have to take into consideration. And the problem is, is that if you have consistently been in a caloric deficit, if you can't remember a time when your goal wasn't to lose weight, then you likely over time, have coaxed your metabolism down and your metabolism has adapted to the less amount of food that you eat, which is why some of you are sitting eating 1300 calories, and wondering why nothing's happening. You're like I'm eating 1300 calories. Why am I not seeing a change? Well, my friend, it's because you've eaten 1300 calories for a long time, and your metabolism has simply downregulated to match your intake and that's what we call metabolic adaptation. And again, it's not a bad thing that this is a natural phenomenon that happens.
Reverse dieting 28:07
But the great thing is that just like it happens in the downward motion, right, just like our metabolism can down-regulate when we don't eat a lot. It can up-regulate if we eat more, and that is the principle of a reverse diet is to slowly add calories to allow your body time to up-regulate your metabolism to improve your metabolism, increase the number of calories that you're burning per day because now you're fueling your body. Your body is not in this stressed chronic low-calorie state, you're actually fueling it to a level that allows that metabolism to repair. And so metabolic long term like metabolic damage, like you have damaged your metabolism, you can never repair it isn't a thing. So even if you've been a long term dieter you haven't, you're not broken, you haven't broken your metabolism. It's doing what it's supposed to do. We just have to make sure that we're working with your metabolism by doing something called a reverse, where you are increasing your calories over time, and reverses can be scary. And I've watched many women through them. And they also tend to have the same fears and worries. And it can be very helpful to have someone coach you through it. But if you are not seeing the results that you want, and you've been in a deficit for a while, it's time for a reverse. It is the key and the piece that is missing for so many women.
Goal weight is not a prerequisite for a reverse 29:33
And I hear it all the time from women who are like I say, Well, why haven't you reversed? Why haven't you done an intentional maintenance period? And they say, well, because I haven't hit my goal weight. Friend, you're kidding, your goal weight is not a prerequisite for a reverse. The reverse is not something that happens at the end of your weight loss journey. It is something that gets you to the end of your weight loss journey. So if you're holding back saying I'll reverse when I finally lose the 20 pounds, I've been working on this 20 pounds for the last six months. And when I finally get there, then I'll reverse. I want you to consider that the reverse is likely what is actually going to get you to the goal. It's not something that's at the end, it's something that will get you there.
Let’s wrap up 30:21
So that is it. Those are the five reasons that you aren't losing weight. So just to recap, one, it could be because you're not paying attention to calories and macros and you're ignoring the laws of thermodynamics and not paying attention to those. Number two, because you're prioritizing effective over enjoyable and you're not enjoying what you're doing. You're white-knuckling it, which works until it doesn't work. It doesn't work long term. Number three, you lack consistency. And we kind of dove into this a little bit and talked about some of the blocks that I work with clients through that help to help them move past that self-sabotage. We also talked about your lack of consistency may be because you are not doing a program that was customized to you that you're trying to fit yourself this round peg into the square hole. And that's why you're not able to be consistent with it. Number four is you're looking at the wrong data, you're just looking at the scale. And it's not giving you an accurate reflection of what's going on. And so you're making inaccurate conclusions about whether or not it's working based on just a single data point. And number five is that your metabolism needs some repair, you need to go through a reverse diet, you need to take that time to heal your metabolism before you're going to be able to create that caloric deficit that you need in order to lose the weight that you want.
What do we offer and do in of Macros 101 31:37
Now, if you're listening to this, and you identified, maybe something that you're struggling with, I want you to know that this is the type of thing that I work with clients inside of macros 101, this is what we go through. We help to troubleshoot what's keeping you stuck. Why aren't you taking action? What's causing you to not be successful? I help you learn how to read the feedback from your body because it can get confusing. Right, like I tell you to take these data points, but then what happens when the scale is going one way and the measurements are going to another and the progress pictures that are doing a totally different thing, how do you analyze that? So I teach you how to be a scientist in your journey, I teach you how to gather those data points and how to analyze them, and most importantly, how to make adjustments based off of that analysis. We coach you through the mental side of your journey, those five blocks that I talked about, that keep people stuck, that keep women self-sabotaging. I coach through those blocks to help you to be able to actually dig to the root of what is causing you to self-sabotage. And we walk through how to create a customized plan so that it is customized to you, your body, your goals, and your lifestyle. So it is actually a plan that you enjoy and that you want to follow. And that also of course gets you the results that you want and it allows you to be able to hit the goals that you have set for yourself. This is exactly what we do. This is what we do in macros 101 and if that's something that interests you, if that's something that excites you, if that's something that you're like a heck yes to, I invite you to go to www.bicepsafterbabies.com/join. And there'll be all the information about the program and about how to join and how to get started with us.
Find more about macros 101 through www.bicepsafterbabies.com/join 33:17
Now, if you're listening to this episode, and the time has passed, and macros 101 is not open because it's not open very often, you can dot that page, I'm pretty sure will just redirect to a waitlist and you can just get on the waitlist for macros 101 so that you can know when we open the next time but the next time will be sometime in 2021. So if you are somebody who you want, you have a goal and you have a goal and you haven't yet been able to reach it, you're missing a piece. And that piece is what I give you inside of macros 101, and I'm so excited to welcome the women who have already joined and to welcome those who are going to join in the next couple of days. I'm so excited to coach you through this process because it truly, truly, truly can be revolutionary for you and transformational when you are able to recognize that you aren't the problem and that you can create a plan that's customized to you that you enjoy. And that is actually effective for the results that you want to see. So last time to find more about macros 101 go to www.bicepsafterbabies.com/join. And that's it. That wraps up this episode of biceps after babies radio. I'm Amber, now go out and be strong because remember my friend, you can do anything.
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